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My boys are cub scouts in pack 43 here in Mt Zion and right now is rank advancement time. I am proud to announce that Derrick has just earned his Bear badge which includes his whittling chip and at the next pack meeting Connor will earn his Wolf badge!no images were found
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As part of the celebration the pack invited The Amazing Dudley to the pack meeting and he is truly amazing! I have known Justin Dudley for awhile and I would recommend him for any kid event! He has been entertaining kids in our community for 20 years now.
Posted in Family
Congrats, Boys, keep climbing.
I was a Cub Scout too, I got my Bear Badge also, then we moved away. I could hardly wait until I was twelve to join the Boy Scouts.
Then when I turned twelve they changed the age to eleven, cost me a whole year. I am an Eagle Scout and member of the Order of the Arrow.
Have fun.