Earlier this year I announced Bradshaw Consulting, Inc. was going to start upgrading its network of websites.
We started with the Alloy websites because I felt those sites were so old, it was causing the customer experience to be less than desirable. Last year I have spoken to several of our regular buyers of these products and confirmed my hunch. My wife and I have been so busy with all of the day to day operations with Quality Home Locator, Bradshaw Consulting, and The Hidden Lair, that we just did not have time to get everything done. Over the last couple of years, we have focused on hiring quality people to help insure our customer base would be properly taken care of. This has also allowed us to spend some much needed time with the family in general. I promise my free time will not be spent on gardening, as my blueberry experience failed not just the first time growing blueberries, but also my second time growing blueberries. The Mandarin tree died such a horrible death. I just could not get rid of the mites, or whatever was growing on her. My other trees however are doing a great job. I will post updates on my Asian Pear Tree, Gala Apple Tree, and Tilton Apricot Tree later this year. Although all three trees have gotten pretty good size, only the two apple trees have bared fruit.
Alumaloy received a website upgrade first this past January. Followed by Castaloy which got a website upgrade last month. Steelaloy is being redone right now and should be announced later this month. At this point I do not know which main website will get upgraded first, Quality Home Locator or Bradshaw Consulting, Inc. I have separate teams working on their upgrades at the same time. Based on customer feedback, we are also providing free shipping on orders over $60 dollars. Once all three of the alloy websites are complete we will start rolling out new products such as non-lead based repair product for cast iron cookware. We also have entire new metal alloys for metals such as copper.
I can not get my head around the fact that it has been 6 years since the red carpet event at our house. Oh man does time fly!